On two of these Lyniond lay stretched at ease, a solitary candle at his side.
I watched as she faded, slowly, in the dim light from glowing fire and solitary candle.
Chapter Thirty-two In the darkness the solitary candle guttered, tossing a ribbon of light across the old man's face.
But as to me, left alone with the solitary candle, I remained strangely unenlightened.
A solitary candle burned there, where Jennifer sat making cursory adjustments on the machine.
"This way," the cook said, turning to lead him through the dark kitchens, his solitary candle lighting the passage.
I opened my eyes and found the church in complete darkness, except for the solitary candle that illuminated the image of the Virgin.
A solitary candle stood between them and the figure of the seated cardinal.
A solitary candle hanging from the ceiling cast a dim light over the room.
A solitary candle guttered among the debris of food and goblets.