But the solo lines don't sound intrusive if the background strings are almost inaudible, as they were here.
It is the first single to feature all members receiving solo lines.
In the final movement," he went on, "Haydn does this thing to the solo line which is actually pretty cool.
Clearly strong individual singers were meant to stand apart from the choir and deliver the solo lines, which are often extremely difficult.
But the solo lines were not exercises in lyrical virtuosity alone.
This act caused for a re-shoot of the cover and her solo lines in the song's bridge.
He is also known to sing his solo lines while playing his guitar.
The work would have benefited, though, from a suaver performance of the solo line.
Brittany performs in many of the series' musical numbers, though she does not have a solo line until the second season.
Voices from within the orchestra often double the solo line.