Some pop songs may have a solo section, particularly in rock or blues influenced pop.
The song features a brief Shepard scale at the close of the solo section at around the 4:45 mark.
It also features a new, touch sensitive "solo section" on the neck.
This tune was recorded and only missing Bill's solo section, other selections never made it beyond the sketch stage.
He often opened his pieces with long solo sections that used silence and the quiet volume of a deep breath to convey passion.
Good solo section from Chelsee and as energetic as ever.
Then he gets up and begins working on his solo section again.
Both Barker and Corbett had their own solo sections on each show.
It generally has a clear contrasting section between a solo section and tutti.
Michael Jackson arrived at 9 pm, earlier than the other artists, to record his solo section and record a vocal chorus by himself.