The blustery opening movement begins with the strings and woodwinds playing a joyous melody, eventually joined by solo trumpet.
It begins with a long 23-bar melody on an unaccompanied solo trumpet (which returns at the symphony's close, "transfigured" by all that has intervened).
Tromba di pace, three pieces for solo trumpet (1999)
As he continued writing, it became a piano concerto with a solo trumpet.
The second movement is reminiscent of the blues - beginning with an elegant melody in a solo trumpet accompanied by a trio of clarinets.
Suddenly a quizzical solo trumpet placed high in a rear balcony poses the "question."
Far more consistent was David Hendry's solo trumpet in the jubilant finale.
Besides the solo trumpet in C, the concerto is scored for 2 flutes, strings, and continuo.
The work begins with an introductory Allegretto section, which is developed from a duet between solo trumpet and bassoon.
The short coda presents the invasion theme one last time, played by a solo trumpet and percussion.