It was a collection that not only broke through fashion's traditional palette, but also Ms. Kawakubo's somber image.
Lubow has captured a realistically somber image of Kitaj's traumatic experience as an artist.
This is a somber, straightforward image straightforwardly made.
This somber sculptural image conveys the bureaucratic formality of the process that ended two months ago when the artist finally became a citizen.
But is it fair to show only these somber images of a many-faceted Malaysia?
Polygram's video box tries to lighten up a rather somber image.
It was as somber an image the Knicks have faced all season, perhaps even worse than their 19-47 record.
And though its somber image has grown livelier in recent years, that trend has, to some extent, reversed itself.
It reflected the interior of the diner, including their somber images.
All you need is some war paint, he said to the somber image.