But the green, green hills of home seemed terribly remote, at that moment, to the somber man in black.
It wasn't that he was a somber man, but he could not see the smiles of others.
This was a more somber man, almost intimidating in his efficiency.
To it came a procession of priests making way for a tall and somber man- dressed in red.
The somber man frowned at what I'd set on his desk.
Dozens of somber men crowded together, their hands on their hearts.
"He'll be such a somber man now," she said.
The reporter started suddenly as a quiet, somber man approached and spoke to him.
He looked up at the large full length standing portrait of a somber, formal man dressed in a three piece suit.
Two somber, large, and intimidating men were brought in to ensure that no unpleasant surprises occurred.