The somber painting is meant to offset the moving train projection and create a feeling of death and mourning.
A genuinely somber painting, it is a good reminder that, though well served by strict editing, this artist always has yet another tone to draw on.
"The Dark Sublime" is an ill-conceived show that brings together some three dozen somber paintings and sculptures.
Picasso's Blue Period (1901-1904),which consisted of somber, blue-tinted paintings was influenced by a trip through Spain.
Even the more somber paintings, which depict Jesus, a skull and a witch head, do not appear eerie.
He nevertheless approved of "memorable scenes" such as the Noyades: "a somber painting, accomplished with extraordinary power of expression."
The dark, somber painting of 1938 reflects the approach he used just after he completed the "Guernica" mural.
His typically somber paintings are characterized by massive, immobile forms.
The timing made it easy to equate the somber paintings, so different from the bright canvases Rothko was known for, with despair.
These small, generally somber paintings, incorporating graffiti-like marks, suggestions of shadows and evidence of age and use, seem to imply some vague prior activity.