The somber scene evoked the grief of a police force that has lost four officers in the line of duty since November.
He took the glass with his free hand, nodded towards the set, and drank, looking at the somber scene outside.
It's a pretty somber scene.
He is also a source of comfort during distressed or somber scenes in many episodes, usually placing his head on the suffering party's knee and whining empathetically.
They did not linger at the site, but left the somber scene behind.
The normal joking and laughing, and the regular one-on-one games for individual Knick bragging rights, were not a part of today's somber scene.
The next image was of a more somber scene.
The blood-red morning sun illuminated a somber scene of empty streets, smoking ruins, shattered window shutters and doors.
It was a somber scene but one that also represented Mr. Garang's stated dream - Sudanese Muslims and Christians standing side by side, united.
Mr. Bush said at his news conference Friday that he had been embarrassed because the split screen juxtaposed "my frivolous comments" with somber scenes of flag-draped coffins.