A look of surprised admiration flashed in the major's sombre face.
Their sombre faces took on from these labors a male and gypsy cast.
He ran his eyes over the silent, watching Hurons, and then back to the sombre face of their leader.
Slowly the shadows darkened over the long, sombre face of the old house.
At last, Kit appeared, grinning a greeting that faded to uncertainty when he saw her sombre face.
When he had finished he looked at their sombre faces in the firelight.
Beside her, an elegantly dressed man with a sombre face and a gymnast's body.
Indeed, I well remember him as he was then, long and lanky, his sombre, solemn face framed by jet black hair.
The ghost of a smile flitted across Farran's sombre face.
He looked down at the child with a sombre face.