I had to explain to her somehow that there was no way for me to postpone any part of it.
The King would have needed to explain to the nobles somehow, and that would be an ideal solution.
He had the absurd conviction that his new boss would look after him, somehow explain things and make them right.
He held out the piece of paper she had given him at the airport, as if that somehow explained everything and put the world to rights.
Now it was he who was expec-tant, waiting for her to say something more, to somehow explain herself.
When we know it, it will somehow explain everything.
These women had to somehow explain to themselves and others why they never had much of a love life at home.
This much is true, though: I see the world as a series of clues that somehow explain the universe.
I hate the winter here," he added, as if that somehow explained the darkness of the times.
Well, what I have to somehow explain is.