From a privileged upbringing that somehow ignited her rebel part, attuning her to "the fact of violence" and never erasing a grandmother's memories of slavery, Ms. Hansberry believed that "living is a protest."
The finding strengthens a leading theory on the cause of the crash: that one or more of the oxygen generators being carried as cargo somehow ignited the tire.
That night an electrical storm somehow ignited three small rockets on a launching pad and sent them hurtling into flight.
It is believed that a British shell somehow ignited one of the Tippoo's magazines, which then blew up.
Aglow with that radiant joy the humanoids somehow ignited, she had never seemed so lovely.
They say an open flame from the candle somehow ignited the tree.
Perusal of the dessert menu somehow ignited a screaming match about women's socially imposed body-image issues.
Brother Mark prayed, not with words, but by somehow igniting a candle-flame within him that burned immensely tall, and sent up the smoke of his entreaty, which was all for Meriet.
Only one face looked western, but it was such a familiar mess of mildly intoxicated self-pity mixed with latent anger that she looked away quickly in case she somehow ignited it.