Nikky is trying to signal Peary somehow, and for some reason it doesn't work.
He suggests this is no coincidence but that the extremely short telomeres could somehow signal other molecules in the cell to stop cell division in preparation for death.
Zek pays Cort to get arrested and then remain interned on Bajor until a specific timemeither predetermined or somehow signaled to Colt in the prison camp.
Seen against the backdrop of Menshikov's life story, the bust seems like an inadvertent vanitas, a work whose flamboyance somehow signals its subject's fall from grace.
In Chapter Three I argued that a postmodernist culture that foregrounded 'desire' signalled somehow a renunciation of signification.
Frequently he finishes a work with a few brusque graffiti-like lines ridiculing Expressionism or expression yet somehow signaling a deep commitment to painting.
The presence of people, although not detectable by eye or ear, somehow signaled itself as a knowledge borne through some sense organ at which he could only guess.
Their arrival had been signaled ahead somehow.
Could someone in the castle have seen the figure, and somehow signaled the dragon?