It felt a bit unclean somehow, and a bit unsafe.
I could have drifted inside, looking at the Davniads, watching Allyson, but I would have felt somehow unclean, like a voyeur, or... a ConFed.
The very thought of it made him feel ill at ease with himself, somehow unclean.
What you require" Yamamoto said, making the word sound somehow unclean, "can hardly be construed as a compromise.
He felt a curious intuitive revulsion, a feeling that the pendant was somehow unclean.
She would have felt ashamed and somehow unclean if Hirake and the Marines had seen her craning her neck while she gawked at the bodies like some sort of sick disaster-watcher or a news service ghoul.
The exercise was disgusting, somehow unclean, and I stood there only because I had to.
That blind, revolted horror returned, making him feel somehow unclean.
It was somehow unclean to feel all along every part of her.
The sound made him feel empty, and somehow unclean.