Scarfo soon installed a mob practice somewhat alien to Philadelphia criminals.
For example, chocobos appear featherless and somewhat alien in appearance.
The effect is gorgeous and modern, if somewhat alien.
"Bizarre" is a term often used to describe the appearance of the somewhat alien looking landscape.
When figures appear, they seem uneasy and somewhat alien in their film noir environment.
At that time, telephone service in virtually every country was provided by a government monopoly and the whole idea of competition was somewhat alien.
It seems that the meaning of 'fairness' in this context was somewhat alien for this group.
What the farm worker observes on his television set are the often distant and somewhat alien mores of the urban, industrial world.
It is common knowledge that Member States are often only concerned about their national television channels, and they consider Euronews to be somewhat alien.
Now the feel was different; the response was somewhat alien.