She has discovered, she said, that there is an advantage to this somewhat cavalier method.
If they survive the chaos, the traffic, the noise, and the somewhat cavalier attitude to hygiene, they must still be aware of the criminal core.
This somewhat cavalier summary made Caroline bridle.
His attitude to all these arrangements was somewhat cavalier.
Tom did not resent being pushed around in this somewhat cavalier fashion; it meant, after all, that he was now an important piece of property.
As for Primero Atreides, he seemed somewhat cavalier, which could also present problems.
Mr President, the Council' s reply seems to me to be somewhat cavalier.
Your pledges are under great strain, not least from the culture in European law enforcement communities, which is, at times, somewhat cavalier about data protection.
Gage ignored Dom's somewhat cavalier sense of time.
Brilliant playing but a somewhat cavalier approach to the music; and at 44 minutes rather short measure.