David, ninety-four years old, is almost blind and somewhat deaf, a frail old man who must be transported in a wheelchair.
Miss Lawrence, although somewhat deaf, was a great music lover.
An ear infection left him somewhat deaf, and his comical response to most statements/questions directed towards him was "What?"
Brown was somewhat deaf, but would never confess it.
He was an old man and somewhat deaf.
Day, an Ohio lawyer unfamiliar with diplomacy, was often reticent in meetings; Adee was somewhat deaf.
Mostly blind and somewhat deaf, having mistaken the animals for humans, he baptizes them.
More important, it was bad news to tourists, who were now annoyed and somewhat deaf, thanks to the back-seat wails of traumatized children.
The gardener was a very old man, somewhat deaf, who was only making a show of working.
I must be getting short-sighted - and maybe somewhat deaf.