She was a bright woman, somewhat elitist - not an uncommon trait in White House officialdom - and definitely the person closest to the President, if he was reading the signals right.
"The Old Port is somewhat elitist, and that's what turned us off."
He is somewhat elitist when it comes to what to buy.
This fact, along with the somewhat elitist behaviour of some of his disciples and the supposed political conservatism implicit in his theory, has made Luhmann a controversial figure in sociology.
Summerson was noted for his somewhat elitist approach, and he was not always a consistent friend of the conservation movement.
Traditionally, French universities had a somewhat elitist approach.
For hundreds of years, they say, the historical record has tended to be somewhat elitist because of its selectivity.
A selfish boy with long, yellow hair, Banana is often portrayed as playing music and being somewhat elitist.
At the same time it gave the festival a somewhat elitist character.
A lot of people think this is somewhat elitist because if you buy a local chicken it is $3.50 to $4 a pound and you can get them for a lot less in the supermarket.