Eli Lilly's chairman, Randall L. Tobias, has changed the drug company from a slow-moving, somewhat insular giant into an aggressively entrepreneurial international concern.
Although Mr. Hardwick is well known in the somewhat insular world of Trenton politics, his name is far from a household word across the state.
The Android userspace stack is somewhat insular and not particularly conducive to application portability.
Apple's iPhone is known for its Byzantine application approval process and somewhat insular platform.
Charlestown is one of several Boston neighborhoods whose geographic isolation and decades of economic decline had sowed the seeds of a somewhat insular identity.
Though it adds a layer of intrigue to what might otherwise be a somewhat insular narrative, it seems an artificial supplement to an otherwise organic work.
The general Chronicle is somewhat insular.
As I've suggested the activities of this society could be seen as somewhat insular (which is not unusual in such an organisation or the people it attracts).
In just 13 months at the helm, Mr. Tobias has transformed Lilly from a slow-moving, somewhat insular giant into an aggressively entrepreneurial international player.
In a status-oriented, somewhat insular city, it is the designer label school in the designer label neighborhood.