Some say that this has created a classical, somewhat nostalgic aesthetic to Denver's campus.
The sixth track, Purple Dreams, changes styles presenting a slow-tempo sequence with uplifting and somewhat nostalgic connotations.
The Latin chatter of the ship's crew brought memories and left him feeling somewhat nostalgic.
The second book was a somewhat nostalgic look at a magazine in transition which he seemed to perceive as having had better times in its past.
But for now the park remains a somewhat nostalgic form of entertainment.
Saucy or soft, and anything but man-tailored, these looks epitomize the romantic, somewhat nostalgic feeling of next season's fashion.
But several students waxed somewhat nostalgic not just for their departing chairman but also for what he seemed to represent.
Hanabi,a "reminiscent of the UK trip-hop/dub sound yet has a somewhat nostalgic feeling" deals with "a summer that ends in deep sadness".
In somewhat nostalgic fashion, the pair provided another epic contest in the early rounds of the 2004 World Championship.
In most western countries today, full-service stations and their attendants are not common and are usually considered somewhat nostalgic.