Esa smiled for a moment, a somewhat sardonic smile, then her face grew grave again.
Her mouth quirked into a somewhat sardonic shape.
Most of the time, the artist takes a somewhat sardonic view of life but she can get maudlin, as in the color transparencies of Renaissance Madonnas, inscribed with rambling prose about drugs and pregnancy.
"Aye," said Count Brass with a somewhat sardonic smile.
All the other girls ooh'ed and aah'ed, though there was a hard expression on Klute's face, while the Mouser's gaze grew somewhat sardonic.
"You are most decidedly Lew's child," he replied, with a somewhat sardonic smile.
He has a somewhat sardonic personality, as displayed by the wit he shows in his narrative, even towards extremely dangerous situations.
Jake's angular face settled into a stony, tired, and somewhat sardonic look.
"Unlimited Warfare" is typical of the fairly short, somewhat sardonic, black-humored stories that he wrote for a number of years.
Saash flicked her tail in somewhat sardonic agreement.