Which makes it somewhat shocking that Besiktas has retired his No. 8 jersey.
By way of explanation, she calmly recites a somewhat shocking scenario.
That was a somewhat shocking article.
One look around the Giants' locker room and it's what you don't see that is somewhat shocking.
It published photographs of black slum conditions with its campaign promoting public housing, a somewhat shocking use of graphics for the times.
The original decor in the close, low-ceilinged living quarters reveals a life, by contemporary standards, of somewhat shocking intimacy.
So the story would be somewhat shocking to both generations, but in very different ways.
To one who reads too literally, the implication that the Dogs are a result of Man's intervention may prove to be somewhat shocking.
What is somewhat shocking to me is the fact that he charges $600 an hour (to be more precise, $300 for half an hour).
This was somewhat shocking to the rest of Newport society where it was considered "unladylike" for women to drive themselves.