Ann was convinced that his somewhat sinister appearance was intentional.
"Izabella has been seen to physically squirm at some of Yuri's fantastical and, perhaps, somewhat sinister works," he said.
The somewhat sinister Spencer makes it clear he is not going anywhere.
To you, he may seem a somewhat sinister figure, or at least a very cold and aloof one.
Rather strange wouldn't you say if not somewhat sinister and foolish.
In charge of her handmaidens is the somewhat sinister character Scala.
He had shaved the thinning hair from his head, which gave him a somewhat sinister appearance.
What sets them apart from ordinary horror films most sharply is that both engage viewers with an intelligent, if somewhat sinister, mind.
Their murkiness is somewhat sinister, frustrating the eyes' implicit desire to see and understand.
It was a somewhat sinister recommendation, but Tuppence said, 'All right.