The case law in the United Kingdom relating to excluded subject matter in general, and computer programs specifically, has a somewhat sporadic history.
Pocomoke's graduation rate has been somewhat sporadic over the past 12 years.
In retrospect, it seems the Taliban's enforcement of the ban against female education was somewhat sporadic.
Episodes were released in a somewhat sporadic manner.
At that time they did not possess the sophisticated communications that we have today, so the information they received was somewhat sporadic and incomplete.
In 2001 the program was discontinued, but remains in a somewhat sporadic form on the Radio Sweden website.
They will, however, make it harder for Mr. Yeltsin to push forward on his somewhat sporadic journey to a free market.
Only one locomotive returned, for the 1950 season but over the next twelve years the seasons were somewhat sporadic and no timetable was officially issued.
Richard was a sickly child and his parents' reduced circumstances meant that his education was somewhat sporadic.
Admission to the museum is by a donation of $8, although hours are said to be somewhat sporadic.