One criticism of this type of product is that carrying a mobile phone can be somewhat unwieldy for workout purposes.
The codebase is already well known for being somewhat unwieldy and time-consuming to learn.
In 1954, the administration of the CIAU was becoming somewhat unwieldy.
From this point onward, Solomon is more certain of his somewhat unwieldy material.
The Giantish dipper was as large as a bucket in her hands, and somewhat unwieldy; but she welcomed the job and the effort.
These addresses can often be computer-generated and somewhat unwieldy, like,
The epic-length show provided a somewhat unwieldy mixture of old-school and new.
In the experience of our veterinary authorities, the applicable European legislation is fairly comprehensive, but somewhat unwieldy and complicated to implement.
Racer's load was piled so high that it was somewhat unwieldy, but even the backpacks of the woman and man were substantial.
This made the party somewhat unwieldy, but helped prevent the formation of factions and cordoned off members from each other.