However, the council ended on a note of great personal prestige for Ludovico with the elevation of his son Francesco to the purple.
Facing Braccio at the head of the Angevine army was Muzio Attendolo Sforza and his son Francesco.
In this latest edition Merola and his son Francesco, will perform with the song L'urdemo emigrante (the last emigrant), coming to a total of eight investments.
His son Francesco died four years later in the crash of his Ferrari.
Calvierri and her son Francesco intend to sink the city into the water and convert humans into "Sisters of the Water" in order to continue their race.
After his death in 1748, his son Francesco finished the work of his father with the statues at the tower in 1752.
On his death, he was succeeded by his young son Francesco under the regency of his widow Chiara Zorzi.
Andrea Salvadori, curated by Salvadori's son Francesco and published in 1668, included all the works published during his lifetime, as well as several previously unpublished poems.
His son Francesco, called Cavagnuola, was also a painter.
During 1507-1523, Boccardi and his son Francesco painted the choir-books of Monte Cassino and Perugia.