By the time she is pregnant with her second baby, his aggressive behavior worsens, as he also starts to hit their son Jamie.
Lumley herself is now a grandmother: her son Jamie has two daughters.
However, it emerged that he had confessed to protect his son Jamie (Alex Carter).
In 2000, she took a court case to force the Irish government to provide a primary school education for her son Jamie who has multiple disabilities.
The couple's two children - a daughter, Jessica, 21, and a son Jamie, 19 - are away at college.
His son Jamie has started a racing career.
But the most powerful influences in his life are his wife Jean and son Jamie who work with him.
She lived above the gallery, whilst her son Jamie used the basement to do what(?)
His original plan was to reunite with Alice and son Jamie.
Their son Jamie, caving under the pressure of trying to live up to his father's exorbitant expectations, is becoming an alcoholic.