In 1785, Pike deeded most of this land to his only son Nathan.
She was also able to reunite with her son Nathan and the rest of the Horton family.
Another interesting story was the addition of Jacques Beaulieu's son Nathan to the roster.
He lives in Greystones with his wife Frieda and their son Nathan.
Later, he moved in with his son Nathan in San Francisco where he died 1909.
Independent filmmaker Andrew Jackson has said on many occasions he would like to make a film adaptation, with his teenage son Nathan as director.
But when her son Nathan was ready for school, the Dentrys enrolled him in public school.
Q My son Nathan is ten months old, and I have really enjoyed breastfeeding him.
Luke's genealogy of Joseph is traced back to David through his son Nathan (who was not a king).
His son Nathan also served in the legislative assembly.