The successful rich man will not agree to make his son compete in the educational system on the same terms as everyone else's kids.
Besides, how could the sons compete with such all-star fathers?
In 1316, a king's son was competing with a brother and a younger child.
Do you suppose my son would compete with that crazy tailor as to which could make the best clothes?
Yet, Andretti cannot help but be a concerned father when his son is competing in the same race.
"I've wanted him to give up for a while," said Scheckter, who was at the track on Sunday to watch his son compete.
In the play, Cato's two sons compete for the hand of a young woman.
Cambil asked, knowing now that his own son could not compete at their level.
Recently, the father and son competed against each other in a local competition.
Was only four years old when he was dragged along to watch the son of his dad's friend compete at weekends.