Their fourth son, Lindsay, born in 1970, contracted meningitis and died just before his first birthday.
The Pascals' young son contracted a terrible illness.
This led to the camper's parents to worry that their son may have contracted rabies from the bear.
His son had contracted meningitis whilst returning from New Guinea.
The older son, Thomas, a retired military officer and lawyer, contracted cancer in 2002 and died at the age of sixty-five in 2009.
Nancy Ford Springer's son contracted invasive meningococcal disease six years ago, when he was 14.
For six months previously his only surviving son, Mortimer, had contracted infantile paralysis and had died within a week.
His son Michael "Mickey" Salisbury was with him in China and also contracted the disease, but he survived it.
Your foster son has contracted an alliance of pleasure with Karae yo'Lanna and spent last evening in her company.
My dying son contracted no such band; The gift is hateful from his murd'rer's hand.