His son and her daughter talk about whether, given their heritage, either dare marry and have children.
But now, to the dismay of the faithful, the son of a legend has dared to link arms with Gordon.
Lord-my son-my son, dare we risk damnation such as they could bring?
The Traders' sons dare one another to 'Tenira' a warehouse, and all know what is meant by that.
He had learned them from a nurturing mother, a mother who was proud of the way her son dared to be different.
But indeed only the son of god would dare come thus alone to a strange city, so it must be that he speaks the truth.
Her son heard her gasp and dared not witness, stayed riveted to his instruments, honoring her privacy.
Cokaze's eldest son dared to ask, earning a sharp reproach from the Patriarch.
No son dared put Goodyear tires on his bike.
My son," she went on quickly, "you dare to love this queen of ours.