Mick's two sons have since formed their own band, the Green Brothers.
Aguirre's son and daughter, and her niece, formed the band, and later, two other boys were added to the group.
In 2001, The sons from 2 family formed a rock band.
The father and son formed an official partnership during World War II.
His adopted son, Sutawijaya, formed a conspiracy and killed him with the help of an assassin.
However his two sons later formed a commercial company which bought the estates.
The sons as you see today formed the seven villages we are today.
His son, Martin Gibbons was elected to the Dáil form the new party in the 1987 general election.
Also In 1871, Wallace, his sons and sons-in-law formed a new company.
Both these sons are matadors and form part of the Ordóñez family bullfighting dynasty.