Elliott's grandson and namesake, Elliott Roosevelt, the third son of Eleanor and Franklin, became a war hero and author.
As a son of Eleanor of Sicily Martin was himself an heir to the island, should Maria's family die out.
He was the son of Manfred I and Eleanor.
Ferdinand was the second son of Eleanor of Aragon and John I of Castile.
John (Male, 16) - He is the youngest son of Henry and Eleanor.
Geoffrey (Male, 25) - He is a son of Henry and Eleanor, and a man of energy and action.
He had pledged his allegiance to Edward I, son of Eleanor of Aquitaine who became king of England in 1272.
He is a son of Eleanor and Jack Kessler of Bayside, Queens.
He is a son of Eleanor and Bryan Green of Darfield, New Zealand.
He is the son of Eleanor and Clarence M. Abbuhl of Zephyrhills, Fla.