For example, a grandfather without sons was succeeded by his grandson, the son of his daughter, although the daughter still lived.
She lives with her seven children and one grandchild, the son of her 16-year-old daughter.
He was reborn again as King, the son of his daughter Mariya.
His grandson (the son of his daughter) carries on his name.
Many years later Shintaro, the son of the fisherman's daughter, finds himself on the island after searching for his father.
She married the son of friends to her husband Toby's cousin's husband's brother's daughter, and they are now expecting their third child.
This grandson is the son of his daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, Thomas Darcy.
Mellors was one of five sons of a wheelwright and a clergyman's daughter.
There is no proof I am the son of her daughter.
Were I minded differently, son of my daughter, the enemies you make would be good witnesses for you.