Joseph Courand bought the mill in 1876 and his son purchased the hotel in 1899.
William himself died in 1592, so it has been surmised that his son and successor, Maurice, purchased the globes for the collection.
We still support him; my younger son just purchased two Simon CD's this week.
In D'Angeline society, what your son purchased was beyond price, my lord.
His son had purchased the plane just two weeks earlier.
In 1951, the sons purchased the business from their father and renamed it the No. 5 Bar.
The Robinson's son, Eugene, purchased the house from the other Robinson heirs in 1902.
He also claims that his son had purchased an engagement ring just before the crash and had been preparing to propose marriage to Diana.
Wollascott's son, also named William, purchased the manor of Brimpton in 1595.
The Wister's second son, John, purchased the remaining property upon Sarah's death in 1891.