Four songs are also stored in the camera.
Additional songs or style files may be stored on the drive, and recorded songs may offload from the instrument to the device.
Heavy site traffic caused the computer on which the songs were stored to crash.
You decide how much space you need, because songs are stored on flash memory cards.
Executive producer Randy Brazell said songs were selected in advance and stored using complicated computer software.
Once analyzed, the songs are assigned what the company calls "quantum modulation" figures and stored in the database for future retrieval.
On the first disc, all the songs was chosen, released and stored in an Audio CD Playback format.
Each song is stored as an individual file, allowing the user to delete unwanted songs.
To reduce the file size used by the phone, only two songs are stored at any time.
Up to 16 "songs" can be stored in the EM-1's internal memory.