The songs of birds and other jungle creatures replaced the sound of heaving breath that had pounded in his ears.
Nirvana's songs and videos simply replaced the trivial foolishness that had been corroding the public airwaves.
The songlist varies; some songs replace others depending on the region of release.
A fourth song sometimes replaces the first season song in syndication.
The song shares the same sound as the original but replaces some lyrics.
The songs from the new album replace the usual hits of the singer and focus on the beginning and end of the show.
Birds who had been ducking all winter came out of hiding now that the hunters were gone, and their song replaced gunfire.
These songs were crucial to the performance, and often replaced dialogue much like in Broadway musicals (Foley 8).
In 2007, a new song replaced "A Place to Stand" after four decades.
The song replaced the original intended title track of the album, "Entertainment."