Both the song and the video satirizes the mainstream music industry.
The song "Thugged Out Since Cub Scouts" satirizes gangsta rap and rappers claiming to be tough.
The music is different from the band's usual metal style; the songs satirize typical German folk/country songs in both musical style and lyrics.
The song reaffirms a man's supposed right to sexual freedom and satirizes courtship and marriage.
The band members have stated that Antiseen is an apolitical band, although their songs have satirized extremist politics.
Some critics felt that the song did not satirize the source material, but instead recounted the plot to Jurassic Park.
Ms. Reynolds's song satirizes the conformity urged on Americans during post-World War II expansion.
The song satirizes many aspects of today's society and its scrutiny of celebrity lives.
The song also satirizes the low pay earned by early minstrel performers: "Ole Bull come to town one day [and] got five hundred for to play."
The song and its video satirizes the mainstream pop music industry.