Allen comes back to sing and the song segues into the next section.
When performed live, the song regularly segues into "Rapunzel," just as it does on the studio recording.
Several of the tracks were edited to fit the format, and all songs segue into the next to create a non-stop mix.
On the album, the song segues from their big hit single, "Need You Tonight."
On the album, this song segues directly into the next track, "Violet Hill".
The songs segue from one to the next and then back again.
Another aspect of the live performance is the fact that sometimes another song segues into it.
The song then segues into an jaunty melody in which the singer states that he "likes Chinese".
The song follows Marvin as a woman leaves him after a romantic night before, this song segued in on the title track.
This song often segued into "Moonlight Drive", or vice versa, which follows it on the album.