The New Pornographers claimed that the songs "were just sitting around.
The movie is still shelved and the song sits forlornly in a drawer.
The song sat unfinished until Erickson began working on it again in 1989.
There was dancing, and speeches, and occasionally a comic song sat irising the teachers.
He also said, "The production is so outdated you can't help but think that these songs have literally just been sitting around this whole time.
The song, like "The River", had sat unrecorded for several years before it was recorded.
Three more songs from the band sat on the list.
Recorded in 2004, these songs sat hidden for almost 3 years until they saw a digital release in 2007.
This week the song sits in the 20th position on the charts.
As with the previous sketch show, a song kicked off the proceedings, and once again the duo sat at their trademark desk.