Their style ranged from Celtic-instrumental to blues to folk, always with a strong rhythmic feeling, and combined contemporary song stylings with traditional instrumentation and story elements.
This album saw a slight departure in song stylings, with some obvious pop/indie influences.
"As we listen to the song stylings of the marvelous, the incomparable Lynn-Minmei!"
And "Star" even gets away with parodying the self-parody of the "Road" pictures, with Mr. Cleale providing a witty take on Bing Crosby's song stylings.
The lush song stylings of the Who, the Yardbirds and the Amboy Dukes, among many others, yowl from the sound system.
The song stylings of Nancy Wilson accompanied by Joe Zawinul...
According to Time, he was a "witty conversationalist," who listened to the song stylings of Miss Peggy Lee.
The song stylings make much punier impressions than the Gap-style outfits in which they are rendered; you're likely to recall individual numbers by their color coding.
Jenny takes offense when her new rehearsal pianist Tye Graham (Wilding) criticizes her song stylings and ruthless ways.
Tony Bennett brings his warm- voiced song stylings to the Palace in Stamford for a single show on Friday at 8 P.M. (323-2131).