Kuramata, who died in 1991 at age 56, brought to design a great song stylist's emotional range.
A song stylist with a distinctive persona can go a long way to make these songs soar.
She was called the satin Latin song stylist.
He toys with the idea of becoming a "song stylist," performing for television commercials in the voice of Billie Holiday.
Nor does this extremely talented song stylist and Grammy winner take risks and try something just a little daring.
Carter, now one of most formidable song stylists in jazz, also runs its most successful finishing school.
She was described as a petite, dark haired, dark-eyed song stylist with the Betty Hutton type of delivery.
The title she prefers, however, is song stylist.
"Jerry's Girls" is one terrific showcase for song stylists and distinctive personalities, however disparate.
Jensen was a native Hawaiian athletic song stylist whose "white hot soul" electrified audiences.