Literary critic Christopher Ricks suggests that the song transcends the political preoccupations of the time in which it was written.
If Woody Guthrie's best songs transcend historical events, much of yesterday's protest music today tends to sound naive and smugly simplistic.
A snippet of the song was released for one official week and the song transcends more on techno roots, new to Brick & Lace's style.
"The songs they were writing for the theater transcended theater," Mr. Wildhorn said.
The song begins with mellow guitar plucking and transcends into a melody of synthesizers, guitars, and synthesized drums.
Seldom have the contradictory emotions of a thwarted lover been so well expressed, and the song transcended the autobiographical origins of Dylan's pain.
But his songs, and his beautiful voice, transcend historical circumstance.
Finder's skills in music were such that his songs transcended mere music, inspiring others to great works, renewed vigor or deep despair.
Those songs transcend generations and age.
But that limits the point: the way she sang these songs transcends jazz the way Willie Nelson transcends country.