Screech had an armor that allowed him to fly and emit sonic blasts.
If you were standing right near the arrival point, you'd be hit by a sonic blast, a wave of air compressed until it's practically solid.
"But even if you do, I'm going to catch a laser beam or a sonic blast."
And he directed yet another sonic blast at the bulkhead.
One of the Vipers fires a shot from his blaster and the other shoots out a sonic blast.
These powers included flight, sonic blasts and the creation of solid energy constructs.
Clent knows the Base dome cannot survive another sonic blast and suggests a peace meeting between the two sides.
The admission hit Ellen like a sonic blast.
During the battle, Biotrog again was overpowered by the creature who used his sonic blasts.
There was a bright flash of red light, going to blue, and a sonic blast which shattered glass for a kilometer around.