Another writer of the same publication felt the song was "overwhelming in its bombast, yet delicate in its sonic detail."
The new 5.1 mix has more sonic details than the original 1967 mix.
Both musicians prize their control of timbre, inviting listeners to contemplate fine-tuned sonic detail.
These products are critically acclaimed for their sonic detail.
As a result, there is no trace of blurring or smearing those sharp sonic details technically known as transients.
A key factor being the less noticeable bass sound, high-pitched synthesizers, and less musically sonic detail.
The magazine praised the "toe-tapping" theme tune and "attention to sonic detail" in the sound effects.
Giant video images of the stage show appeared as the performers stage blasted songs to a sound system with remarkable punch and sonic detail.
Not to mention the acres of sonic detail we've slowly been scammed out of.
"He has incredible ears for sonic details, but his personality puts people at ease and helps them sound better."