It was a rather soothing sensation.
At first, the vibrations made it hurt, but gradually, this gave way to a soothing sensation.
Obediently Javan closed his eyes and let himself think of nothing, feeling almost immediately the soothing sensation he had come to associate with Tavis's touch.
He was standing there staring at the mess when a soothing sensation on his tongue made him realize he was licking the crumbs off his fingers.
She filled her lungs and the clean, soothing sensation made her almost heady with pleasure.
Moreover, the same river serves as the municipality's tourist resort whose cool and fresh water provides a soothing and relaxing sensation to many local excursionist and tourists.
But a few minutes later he realised that the effect was much the same: the soothing, glowing sensation, and the expanding euphoria.
The rub of sand, then moss, on his skin offered a soothing luxurious sensation he had never felt before.
There was a deep soothing sensation of approval accompanying the song-of belonging, as if their actions were causing great joy.
Prosik felt the familiar soothing sensation.