Even when there's nothing happening, it's a funky place that draws a sophisticated crowd which usually includes the odd local celebrity.
It draws a more sophisticated crowd of musos and actors.
My fiance runs with a very sophisticated, wealthy crowd.
A very international, glamorous, sophisticated crowd of young, beautiful women have endorsed his talent by wearing his clothes.
Besides, she was much too spontaneous for the sophisticated crowd he probably favored.
It is a regular crowd, both sophisticated and beautiful, that spills out onto the sidewalk.
The nightclub focused on an older and more sophisticated crowd than Gatecrasher, playing mainly house music.
Well, he's afraid we're getting too many families with five kids and a picnic basket, instead of the sophisticated crowd he intended.
There are style bars that attract a sophisticated, dressy crowd, in some cases staying open until sunrise.
And here was a program he could sell to advertisers as being geared to a more upscale, sophisticated crowd.