In the battle for dinnertime, technology has favored the telemarketers lately, with computerized dialers and more sophisticated databases making it easier for telephone solicitors to reach unsuspecting consumers.
The articles are indexed in a sophisticated database and searchable by keywords, author, titles and various other parameters.
What advanced users of various L2s need, by comparison, is ridiculously simple: they need a lexical data retrieval system--is this sophisticated enough to deserve the term lexical database?
Magazine publishers, for example, maintain sophisticated databases about their customers, which lets them cross-sell products, renew subscriptions and entice advertisers with statistics about their wealthy readers.
Creators of the software say e-mail and sophisticated databases, accessible anywhere via the Web, can help publishers gain an edge without changing the nature of the peer-review system.
The firm provided "voter-list development" and created "the most sophisticated database ever developed for a municipal election", according to The New York Post.
It would not be possible on a large scale without the development of large and sophisticated databases that contain data about as many voters as possible.
But Central Europe lacks the sophisticated database of consumer credit that card issuers require.
The football intelligence unit has a sophisticated database of so-called 'football prominents', using the latest digital image technology to update and record cases.
Airlines and hotels have developed increasingly sophisticated databases of customers.