They may also have used their ground speed to run up trees or other steep slopes, developing increasingly sophisticated flapping mechanism to assist with this.
Most models that are more than 10 years old, however, probably don't have the sophisticated mechanisms and low-friction devices found on modern bindings.
There are sophisticated mechanisms to prevent cross talk in brains where more than one language is stored.
Plutonium is the more favored element, but it requires a highly sophisticated triggering mechanism.
Its expertise was in sophisticated mechanisms like barometric switches.
Templates in C++ provide a sophisticated mechanism for writing generic, polymorphic code.
At best the Moyani vessel was nothing more than an extremely sophisticated mechanism.
Thus, sophisticated mechanisms that allow on a more fine grained level which information is disclosed to whom are desirable.
Finally, Spherical expansion was no longer feasible, and in any event the sophisticated mechanisms of transfer made this unnecessary.
The makers of ceramic heaters also say that their models have more sophisticated temperature-control mechanisms.