With sophisticated monitoring, the Russian conversion can be adequately verified.
More sophisticated integrated monitoring and management tools were later developed to connect this equipment and provide a holistic view of the facility's data center infrastructure.
Satellite operators now have sophisticated monitoring that enables them to pinpoint the source of any carrier and manage the transponder space effectively.
A clinical concern exists, therefore, about the safety of femoral artery cannulation in the critically ill patients who may potentially benefit from this sophisticated monitoring.
This enables more sophisticated monitoring of the driver's alertness.
Detecting insider threat actions is highly challenging and will require a sophisticated monitoring, baselining, analysis, and alerting capability.
There can be patients requiring minimal monitoring or very sophisticated monitoring.
We're not talking about sophisticated monitoring.
However, too great a reliance on this new technology leaves organizations vulnerable to sophisticated monitoring of communication and triangulation of its source.
The cooperation in Scandinavia is well balanced and works without the police accompaniment and sophisticated monitoring which are the hallmark of the Schengen Convention.