The stories within the Tintin series always feature slapstick humour, accompanied in later albums by sophisticated satire, and political and cultural commentary.
It was the first attempt by a major network at pure, sophisticated satire in I don't know how long.
Often it is sophisticated satire; occasionally it isn't.
This sophisticated satire ends with the thought that only when that tricky little immortality issue is licked will Communism fulfill its promise.
For a generation that fell in love with the piercing wit and sophisticated satire of Nichols and May, the comedy disappeared all too soon.
And Powell's most delightful comedy of manners works even better as archly sophisticated satire.
The stories feature slapstick humour, offset by dashes of sophisticated satire and political or cultural commentary.
Various styles of humor are used as a vehicle for parody, from sophisticated satire to simple sarcasm, along with structured in-jokes and frequent non sequiturs.
Instead of slick sophisticated satire, Miss Kaufman provides routine comic shtick.
In fact, its twisted sense of humor, complex characterizations and sophisticated satire of the television age seem particularly oriented toward adults.